When Apple introduced the iPhone 7, it removed the headphone jack. Apple spun it as a win for consumers who could now use wireless headphones (preferably Apple-branded AirPods) for a better overall experience and no more tangled wires. Israeli startup Noveto wants to go one step further, eliminating headphones entirely with a new technology that beams the sound from your device directly into your ears. Noveto essentially has invented the virtual headphone. Now headphones will start to look like old technology in 2019. Noveto has come up with a technology that can do exactly the same thing as headphones - deliver sound right to your ears without disturbing those around you - except without the headphones themselves. In fact, you wouldn't need to wear any device at all. The technology uses a system of sensors similar to those in the latest iPhone X, which unlocks your phone using facial recognition rather than password or finger recognition. Focused audio can com...